Yi Guo(Stephen)'s Workhouse

Software/Graphics/Game Design Engineer

Welcome to My Workhouse

I am currently a master student in the Computer and Information Science Department of University of Pennsylvania., major in Computer Graphics and Game Technology(CGGT).

I am a big fan of computer and information science, especially the computer graphics and computer Vision. This is the space where I share my portfolio. I hope you can learn more about me from here.

About me

Yi Guo

Computer Graphics and Game Technology(CGGT)
Computer and Information Science
University of Pennsylvania

E-mail: guoyi1@seas.upenn.edu
Github: https://github.com/GUOYI1
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yi-guo-5a379210b/
Address: 1249 Lakeside Drive 1061, Sunnyvale, CA 94085



2D Polygon/3D Polyhedron Dual Structure

This is an online tool to help users to produce the dual structure of a 2D polygon. Except for the external edges(the green ones), all the edges (the blue ones) in the dual structure are connected to each other to form a close polygon and each edge is perpendicular to a corresponding edge in the original graph.I developed this tool for the Polyhedral Structures Lab of PennDesign. Visit PSL websit for more about the related reasearch.

For 3D case, click here



This project helps users to remove the vignette of the image.The code is implemented according to paper of "Single-Image Vignetting Correction",by Yuanjie Zheng,Stephen Lin,etc.Both c++ and Matlab source codes are provided. For the Matlab version, I revise some parts of the code offered by the author, Yuanjie Zheng. For the C++ version, it is implemented by Donghai Xie(my supervisor) and me.


Advanced Rendering

This is a physcially based rendering system. The code is implemented according to principle and source code of book "Physically Based Rendering: From Theory to Implementation, Third version", by Matt Pharr, Wenzel Jakob, and Greg Humphreys.

Main features includes:Len-based Camera,Implicit surface, Monte Carlo Path tracing,Multiple Importance Sampling,Differenet BSDF Models, Different Light sources,Volumetric Media,BVH tree and K-D Tree acceleration structure.



This is a group project implemented by Kaixiang Miao, Jiawei Wang and me.The program is implemented on the platform of QT creator. 

In this minecraft game, the main features include:Perlin Noise topography,Weather billboard,River system,texture, normal map, shadow map, Collision Detection, Fetch and place operation, Player GUI,etc.


Mesh Editor tool

This Mesh Editor tool is implemented with C++ and OpenGL on the platform of QT Creator.

Main features include: scene graph tree structure, half edge mesh data structure, Catmull Clark subdivision, skinning and skeletion



Fast 3D Reconstruction of Aerial Pictures Based on GPU Parallel Computing(still updating)

This project efficiently reconstructs the 3D stereo scene from a group of 2D images. We use the GPU parallel calculation for the Graphics Processing. The whole reconstruction process includes camera calibration, feature detection with SIFT algorithm, feature matching, triangulation and feature points densification.


Contact me

If you have any questions about my projects, feel free to contact me. My e-mail address is guoyi1@seas.upenn.edu


Last Update: Aug 31st,2017